Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamin tablets - Entertain Entry

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamin tablets

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamins pills

Many people ask the doctor to prescribe some nutritional pills/vitamin pills before it becomes nutritious. You know what happens if you take a large number of vitamins through these pills.

Research done over the years has found that vitamins are essential for many of our body's movements. For example, we know that vitamin B is essential for keeping us refreshed and that vitamin C is the best way to alleviate eye problems and to treat eye problems.

Taking vitamins will definitely increase our lifespan. But this is only when you take them through the food. You can get good, useful components of vitamins through your diet. But you can't get that with tablets. They surveyed more than 27,000 people over the age of 20 in the United States from 1999 to 2010. Participants were asked what they had eaten in the last 24 hours of the year and whether they had been taking vitamin pills for the past 30 days. Over the years, over 3600 people died during the study, which tracked their health. Of these, 945 died from heart problems and 805 from cancer.

This study found that people who were ingested with adequate vitamin K or magnesium had a lower risk of death, and those who took adequate vitamin A, K zinc or copper had a lower risk of death from heart problems. But the risk of mortality is lower only when you get it from a diet when you look at how much vitamins are taken, whether it be on a diet or through pills. Risks began to increase when taking vitamins in the form of pills.

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamins pills

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays an important role in general body development and eye health. Wellness for teeth and skin health. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that can treat many eye problems. But some studies say it is more likely to cause harm. Taking too much of these can cause some types of cancer. A study conducted over a period of years with men who smoked frequently found that many men who took vitamin A pills had a higher risk of developing lung cancer than those who did not. About 90% of vitamin A is stored in the liver.

Vitamin A is a common cause of loss of appetite, vomiting, skin problems, headaches, hair loss, and insomnia. Staying in the liver without being able to get rid of the body can affect the liver function. You can avoid vitamin A deficiency by eating carrots, papaya, turmeric and spinach instead of pills.

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamins pills

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is bone strengthening and supporting the development of healthy bones. Vitamin D helps our bones strengthen. Everyone over the age of 5 needs 10 milligrams of vitamin D daily. This is because it helps us absorb calcium to keep the bones firm. Everyone knows that vitamin D is high in sunlight. But it is difficult to get this in the cold rainy season. In countries where sunlight is not frequent, such as Norway, you can take vitamin D pills, but we do not need pills.

When Vitamin D is high in the body, calcium supplements can accumulate in the kidneys and cause stones in the kidneys. This can lead to pain and constipation in the abdomen, and eventually kidney failure. Eat foods rich in vitamin D, fish oil, eggs, meat, omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is strengthening the blood vessels and also gives the skin flexibility. We have heard that vitamin C can help fight colds. But many studies by researchers have found that vitamin C is the lowest dose of colds. Scientists say consuming more than 2000 milligrams will produce kidney stones. So skip the pills altogether and take vitamin C only with food. Vitamin C deficiency can be avoided by taking citrus varieties such as orange, lemon, gooseberry and papaya.

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamins pills

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is normalizing the blood circulation and increasing immunity and protecting the body. Vitamin E can prevent cancer. A study of approximately 36,000 men found that people who took vitamin E were at higher risk for prostate cancer. Too much vitamin E can cause death. Many of today's younger generation take vitamin E tablets in case of acne. This is definitely not good. Eat high amounts of greens if you want vitamin E.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K regulates the functions of the blood vessels. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. But when it is too much in the body, too much blood can clot and cause blood clots. These blood clots, in our bloodstream, can clog blood vessels to the brain and heart. This can lead to sudden strokes and heart attacks. Include carrot, cauliflower, cabbage and soybean oils daily to avoid vitamin K deficiencies.

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamins pills

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B helps boost immunity. It also provides the body with the energy it needs. Taking vitamin B3 is the best way to avoid Alzheimer's and heart disease. But a study of more than 25,000 cardiovascular patients found that those who had been taking vitamin B3 for years had no lower rates of heart disease or death. So, it is not necessary to take these as tablets. You can eat eggs, milk, ghee, soybeans, cashews, almonds, pistachios because they are high in vitamin B3.


Probiotics are bacteria that benefit us in foods like milk. They are very high in yogurt, while probiotics are only beneficial. Sometimes nothing does. Researchers are still investigating the properties of these. So don't use tablets unnecessarily.


Calcium supports the health of teeth and bones. High doses of calcium in excess of 1,000 milligrams per day are associated with an increased risk of cancer. But there are no problems with taking it with food. Calcium is high in sardines, dairy products and spinach.


Unlike vitamin C, zinc actually fights mucus. Zinc-containing foods are good medicine for normal colds. There is plenty of zinc in figs. Some nutritionists say they can even take pills if needed.

Vitamin pills | Is vitamin pills good for our body | Side effects of vitamins pills

Folic Acid

Folic Acid facilitates the formation of new cells. Preventing prenatal complications for women. Folic Acid is a B9 vitamin that is essential for the formation of new cells in the body. Women who are pregnant and who are ready to have a baby can take 400 micrograms daily. This is because the body needs this nutrient when it grows.

In fact, there is no danger when taking vitamins through food. But taking a supplement in a different form of food is definitely a risk. This is because you can get good, useful components of vitamins through your diet. But you can't get that with tablets. Some nutritionists say that nutrition is not the same as food and is not available through tablets.

But sometimes doctors prescribe vitamin pills to treat illnesses. Pregnant women are advised to eat folic acid and iron tablets, which is one of the most essential. It is not wrong to take such a recommendation. We should not take it as nutrition. There is also daily intake of pills that should be taken once a week. At the same time do not take.
Vitamins are enough to do what our body needs to do. The amount of vitamins needed varies by age. As with all vitamins, our dietary habits are the only solution to nutritional problems.

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