How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children - Entertain Entry

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

1. Wake your children, sleep for 5 minutes before they wake up.

2. Go to their sleeping place and remind them of their day to day work, cool their minds and make them fall asleep.

3. Sit next to your children and tell them I love you more. I'm more proud of you. Tell them you are a talented good Sally and kiss them all lovingly.

4. Never allow you to watch TV or use iPad mobile phones with the morning's sleep. Because its rays can cause damage to the sleeping eyes.

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

5. Let your children rub their backs before sleeping. It makes a lasting connection between you and your children. The best way to get the baby to sleep and eat the food quickly is to digest it.

6. Even if the children have grown up, one day a week, as a family, the husband and wife stay in one place. It removes the burden of your children's innermost anxiety and creates an inherent bond with you.

7. When children's needs are not met, they cry and stop trying to reach an object. This is because they have the impression of getting a product by pressing on it and making them feel that they are trying to achieve it.

8. Instill in them good qualities such as truth, honesty, courage, giving, forgiveness, and love.

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

9. Warn them from developing bad qualities such as lying, cheating, stealing, injustice, pride, jealousy and manipulation.

10. Learn the rules of the road, and learn to be calm and relaxed on the road. Your children will try to follow you. So, you set a good example and lead them.

11. Do not impose on children to study. Explain the importance of education and why learning.

12. Do not abuse children among others. As parents, you don't fight in front of children. It can cause psychological divisions.

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

13. Participate with them in their sports, leisure time and happy times. Make them feel that they are living in complete security and loving warmth.

14. Treat children's knowledge with dignity. Notice how they are facing problems.

15. Help children learn modern technology. Guide them to learn about and use the computer-web application.

16. Children should be taught the parable from an early age. It will help them to be honest in the future.

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

17. Give them the opportunity to engage in physical sports.

18. Teach them not to suppress natural calamities. Urine suppression, in particular, is dangerous. Understand that fear and temperament may develop in the kidney and urinary tract.

19. No drug or medical system can provide permanent solutions to the disturbances caused by our faulty lifestyle.

If you continue to practice this, you will soon see positive changes in your children.

How to Care Children | Positive Changes in Children

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